DISDUB012 – Commix

Commix returns to Dispatch Dubplate; releasing some of his most in demand dubs.

Simplicity and vibe remains essential to the Commix sound, with a stripped back, techno inspired ethos enabling his music to carry great longevity, no matter the style.

Unreleased for a decade but still as effective as ever, ‘Daggers Dub’ heads up the release, sitting comfortably alongside the murmuring, freshly cut ‘Surveillance’.

Buy Links:

• Dispatch Store – bit.ly/DISDUB012

• Bandcamp – bit.ly/DISDUB012BC

• Triple Vision – https://distribution.triplevision.nl/release/DISDUB012/

Progressive and deeply rooted, with infectious low ends that stick into your mind, DISDUB012 showcases the unmistakable prowess of Commix.