Universal Project
“Off The Cuff” / “Lost in it”



1. “Off the Cuff”
2. “Lost In It”

It is with great pleasure that we welcome the legendary Universal Project to Dispatch for this debut release with us. Initially formed in 2000 as a foursome, Universal Project is now home to the musical output for just one of these producers, Ruxpin.

Joined by original Universal Project member Geoff Taylor-Karrer for the retro sounds of ‘Off The Cuff’, the first of this two-track release results from an impromptu studio session-based reunion. With new inspiration and energy flowing, the old school breaks and vocal samples provided the infectious groove and energy for this track. They originally built the tune around a recording of the pair vocalising the track title.

‘Lost in it’ loops and edits the central vocal sample as it develops into a heavy bassline led roller. Written during a difficult time, Ruxpin turned to music as therapy, losing himself in the creative process – the results speak for themselves.

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